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Back Tax Specialists in the United States

Back Tax Specialists in the United States


by Hugh Duffy


If filing your taxes has kinda slipped off your priority list, eventually it will come back to haunt you. Between rather steep penalties and the added expense, the IRS will eventually get you back being a non-filer.

Here are some CPA Firms that provide "back tax" help throughout the United States. We recommend you consider one of these firms to get caught up.

Love Back Taxes - North Carolina CPA Tax Accountants

Back Tax - Total US Filing Services - All 50 States - CPA Firm

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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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