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Best Websites for Tax Accountants

Best Websites for Tax Accountants


by Hugh Duffy

Best Websites for Tax Accountants - CPA Practice Advisor

Build Your Firm has been designing search engine optimized websites for tax accounting professionals since 2004. Our accounting websites are designed to make the entire process easy and simple for tax accounting professionals.

CPA Practice Advisor has reviewed all of the accounting website providers and awarded Build Your Firm (BYF) with a perfect score of 5 stars. In particular, Build Your Firm shines by providing a wide variety of custom websites that are search engine optimized for no additional fee. In fact, BYF even provides a one year money back performance guarantee.

Also, BYF has been selected as the “official” website for Certified Tax Coach professionals by Dominique Molina. BYF has been the “official” website provider for Certified Tax Coach professionals for the past three years (since 2019).  

In 2022, Dope CFO selected Build Your Firm as the “official” website provider for their cannabis accounting members and Dope CFO Franchisees by Andrew Hunzicker.  

Below are the key reasons why tax accountants are selecting Build Your Firm as the best website for tax accounting professionals:

For tax accountants that want additional support with marketing, Build Your Firm also provides Content Marketing in a Box which enables you to ensure social media marketing gets done, Google Reviews quickly ramp up, email marketing looks professional and your firm brand name improves over time. To learn more about this, sign up for our free webinar on Social Media Marketing for Accountants.

If you want to see examples of tax accounting websites, here are a variety of examples which illustrate why tax accountants love Build Your Firm’s websites.

TaxBears Tax Accounting Website in California

Tax Accounting Website – Enrolled Agent in Florida

Tax Reduction Planning Website – Enrolled Agent in Arizona

Tax Resolution Website – Back Tax Problems Website

International Taxation Website – Enrolled Agent Tax Coach Website

Cryptocurrency Tax Website

Tax Attorney Website

International Tax CPA Website

Tax Controversy – Tax Liability Resolution – Former IRS Attorney Website

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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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