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Google Core Update

Google Core Update


by Hugh Duffy

Website Traffic Analytics

Google implemented a broad core update in late spring of 2022, its first major update since November 2021. Understanding algorithm updates is vitally important as changes to the way in which search engines index and interpret information directly correlates to website ranking and traffic. Unlike past updates, which were more specific in nature, the most recent update is a bit more vague, placing a strong emphasis on the quality of content and establishing a position as a trusted authority within the field.

Key Points of Emphasis

Don’t Fix What Isn’t Broken- Google has stressed that most websites may not be impacted negatively by the update, and, if so, there’s no need to change what you’re currently doing. Websites with a high domain authority, containing robust blogs with original content, and utilizing the most up-to-date SEO methodology will continue to thrive in the new environment, as they have in the past.

Some of your pages may perform better- Google’s update is all about accuracy. For some websites, that means that pages which previously underperformed, but had high quality content, will now be recognized for their value, and increases in ranking will likely occur. Much like keyword stuffing in the past, Google has tried to omit bloat from the equation, and websites with higher quality content will be rewarded for their efforts.

Be An Expert- Tying in with Google Analytics 4, Google’s primary focus is on quality over quantity. By displaying high quality content on your website, Google will categorize and index your information as being valuable and more impactful than a competitor’s site which is filled with backlinks and flashy visuals. Utilize blogs as a way to connect with your audience. Provide pertinent information. Convey your message in a way that showcases your expertise in the field.

Staying up to date with the latest changes to SEO can be daunting, but if you have a strong foundation (and a great web team!) your organization will continue to flourish. In business, consistency is key, and the same goes for a company’s online presence. A website is often your organization’s introduction to the consumer; take the time to create and develop quality content and you’ll reap the benefits!

As a Build Your Firm client, our Web Team will analyze your website and implement strategies that will prove effective and improve your SEO, especially with respect to the new Google Core Update. If your business would like to learn about website design from Build Your Firm, contact us at 888-999-9800, ext. 1, or email us at

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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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