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Google's Next Algorithm Change - April 21st

Google's Next Algorithm Change - April 21st


by Hugh Duffy

Google's Next Algorithm Change - April 21st

Google Algo changeTypically, Google does not provide advance notification of a algorithm change. However, they have provided advance notice to website developers of all kinds signaling their preference for responsive design websites. The date of this change is April 21, 2015.

You may have heard about famous algorithm changes in the past like Hummingbird, Panda, Penguin, Pigeon and others. Well, this one may have even broader implications. Essentially, Google would like all web designers to shift towards responsive web design so their web crawlers can scan just one website rather than different versions of the same website for standard computers versus mobile websites. And, they've stated that responsive web design is the "new standard" for best practices. Eventually, they will demand responsive layouts for top placement in their search engine results...

By all means, Google is leveraging their market share dominance within mobile web delivery and it's the right call. By web dominance amongst mobile platforms, I am factoring in smart phones (Android), Google search, Google app's, and general market share amongst all devices. Eventually, they may even become a player in television and cars. Who knows...

To provide more time, Google's initial demand is that your website must provide a mobile website or use a responsive design. At a minimum, all of BYF's websites provide a mobile option. Some of our newer websites in 2014 were designed in responsive layouts. In 2015, our goal is to design all new websites in responsive.

If your website is three years or older, it's time to switch to responsive design. For older BYF website subscribers (3 years or longer), we want to redesign your website into a responsive layout and will do it at our expense. For newer websites that are not yet in responsive layouts, we will have to charge a small fee but it will be well worth it.

During this off-season, BYF has totally overhauled our website production system to provide new responsive design options for you. Please call us to discuss your needs for the post-tax season season.

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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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