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Online Marketing Imperatives

Online Marketing Imperatives


by Hugh Duffy

Website image - Canner Brody

Marketing your accounting practice online should be a priority if you want to get more than your fair share of new business. If you'd like to ramp up your marketing on the int

ernet, here are several key things that you should expect from your accounting firm website in order to put your best foot forward and acquire many new clients.

  1. Create a website that "brands" your firm and creates a positive image in the minds of your clients and prospects. In simple terms, the website should create an image that is more favorable than if they walked into your office.
  2. The website must be easy to locate in Google, Bing and Yahoo. It must be search engine friendly and optimized for desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices using responsive design.
  3. Invest into pay per click and retargeting advertising. Pay per click advertising can drive immediate traffic to your website informing them about your accounting firm services. As they consider the decision over time, they start to see your retargeting advertising which makes your firm appear larger and seeks to pull them back to your website so they take action.
  4. Get reviews online to favorably influence your local reputation.
  5. Order a blog and have it integrated into your website. Be social. This will establish you as an subject matter expert and support your placement in Google, Bing and Yahoo.
  6. Use amazing photography to paint a picture in their minds and headshots of the key people in your practice. Don't be headless.
  7. Your "About Our Firm" page should have some personality and illustrate your qualifications.
  8. Your firm phone number should be on every page of the website. Your goal is to obtain inbound phone calls from prospects. Make it easy for prospects to reach the right person in your firm.

If you'd like more productivity from your internet marketing, give us a call at 888-999-9800 x1.

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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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