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Outsourced Marketing for Accountants and CPA Firms

Outsourced Marketing for Accountants and CPA Firms


by Hugh Duffy

Outsourced Marketing for Accountants and CPA Firms

Are you struggling with the ongoing challenges of managing the back office while at the same time, trying to make more time for growing the firm? And if you allocated the time to market your accounting firm more aggressively, would you be successful?

Outsourced Mkt2In today's ever changing marketplace, it's tough for marketing experts to stay on top of the endless changes so how are you going to do it effectively? Below are some examples:

- Google is constantly changing the rules and coming up with new things. For example, they make 500-600 changes per year to their SEO algorithm, constantly change Google Adwords, demand fresh online content, and have things like Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and Matt Cutts. And they don't answer the phone... What gives?

- New emerging marketing tactics are always coming on the scene. One day, it's remarketing advertising, then it's reputation management, mobile advertising, blogging and social media marketing. What's next?

- Google Authorship is great for a while and then it goes away. Why?

- Yelp reviews are great inside Google reviews for a couple years and then it gets blown up after Google tries to buy Yelp. Now, Yelp is cozy with Yahoo and Bing. Really?

- Local Search is different than Organic Search...but Local Search can be found within Organic Search too...

- The promises from sales reps at Yelp and OrangeSoda sound too good to be true. Are they?

If you want topline growth along with bottom line improvement for your accounting practice, then consider Build Your Firm's Outsourced Marketing Program. Many of the firms in this program have been doing it for 5-8 years and stick with it. Accountants don't stick with programs if they don't work...

And yes, we do have a team of marketing pro's to sift through the winner's and loser's so you don't have to....

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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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