Pick a Niche Close to Your Heart
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There is nothing wrong with developing a niche that you are passionate about. Think about it, if your niche is something you enjoy, you'll probably love it and your enthusiasm will come through in spades.
Developing a niche will require ongoing education to master your craft and expand the range of services you can provide to your select target audience. Below are some examples of accountants who've chosen niches that are near and dear to their heart.
Accounting Services for Equines, Veterinarians, Pet Hospitals and Related Pet Services
Florida Accounting Firm for Equines - Boarding Stables - Horse Breeders - Race Horse Owners
Veterinary CPA Accounting in Texas
Accounting for Veterinary Services in California
Accounting Services for Faith-Based Organizations - Religious Groups
Accounting for Churches and Faith Organizations - Michigan
Accounting for Faith Groups - Churches - Florida CPA
Church Accounting Firm - Faith Based Accounting - Pastors - Clergy
If you are passionate about something, give some more thought to organizing your passion into a niche accounting service and delivering superior service which you already enjoy sharing.