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Sex Workers Need Tax Advice Too

Sex Workers Need Tax Advice Too


by Hugh Duffy

Stripper high heels next to a pole

While many of us shy away from pornography and adult entertainment industry, it is a large marketplace. In the United States, porn generates $12-14 billion dollars in annual sales. To illustrate, here are some eye opening statistics:

- Internet pornography makes up 20% of total e-commerce sales in the United States

- Approximately 40 million Americans visit porn websites

- Growth during Covid-19 was up 25% to 40%

- Porn businesses want tax advice without shame or guilt

- Porn businesses want to be remote clients and don't want to meet in person

- Porn businesses don't have inventory

- Porn businesses need to save for retirement now

For most accountants, this is the ideal niche. Small businesses that want virtual tax relationships. And an industry that is grossly underserved but needs tax planning and retirement planning.

By adult entertainment, we are talking about targeting exotic dancers, porn content creators, massage therapists, adult film production studios, and website content subscription services.

Adult entertainment tax and accounting does not need to be tacky.

Adult Entertainment and Tax Accounting
Sancus Tax and Accounting - Adult Entertainment and Tax Accounting
Hugh Duffy