Social Media Marketing - Quality Content Matters
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Creating insightful and thought provoking content and sharing it on social media is a healthy business practice.
When done right, great content posted on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram Stories and other social networks has the following benefits.
- Trust can be established amongst clients and prospects
- Makes you look like an expert
- Attracts new viewers
- Establishes your brand
- Drives traffic to your website
- Gets shared with others
Conversely, social media marketing done poorly has the opposite effect and is nothing other than spam.
To complete the task of pushing out content onto social networks, many small accounting firms has resorted to broadcast social media marketing. In other words, they outsource the social media marketing to a third party who in turn pushes out one message for each accounting firm. In this case, the exact same message is being used by hundreds of small accounting firms. That is spam and it damages your brand.
There is nothing unique or compelling about this approach. And as a result, it is never shared to their friends.
When marketing is done poorly and done to excess (e.g., telemarketing, fax marketing, email marketing, broadcast social media marketing), the communication medium becomes less effective and gets ignored. To get the right balance, consider Build Your Firm's Content Marketing in a Box services.