The Ice Bucket Challenge – Raises Millions for ALS
| |The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has gone viral and is a brilliant form of social marketing for a good cause. Simply said, it is raising awareness for ALS, commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease, and raising millions of dollars for the ALS Association.
Why Brilliant?
- Raising awareness and funding for research of ALS
- It's simple and fun
- It has a viral twist helping it to expand rapidly
The Ice Bucket Challenge became popular in the United States when golfer Chris Kennedy did the challenge for a friend who's had ALS for eleven years. About the same time, former Boston College baseball captain Pete Frates, who also has ALS and is 29 years old, began supporting the challenge as well. Pete Frates learned about the challenge from Pat Quinn, a fellow in NY with ALS, and nominated himself for the challenge at Boston's Fenway Park. As background, Pete Frates was married eight months before learning he had ALS and his wife is expecting a baby in September 2014.
The Challenge
Within 24 hours of being challenged, participants must record themselves to accept the challenge followed by pouring ice into a water bucket and dumping it over their head. Then, the participant can name up to 9 other people and challenge them. If the person does not complete the task within 24 hours, they donate $100 to charity. President O'Bama has been challenged many times and opted to make the $100 donation.
How to Spread
The Ice Bucket Challenge is spreading by posts onto Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other social media sites. It's even been broadcast on major media outlets like NBC from Matt Lauer, who was challenged by Greg Norman. Matt Lauer challenged Brian Williams, Martha Stewart and Howard Stern. Here are other notable participants:
Ron White, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Fallon, Al Yankovic …
Justin Timberlake, Jon Bon Jovi, Ryan Seacrest, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Josh Groban, Lil Wayne.
United States Men's Basketball Team, Coach K, Lebron, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant, Carmelo Anthony…
NFL – Aaron Rodgers, Tony Romo, New York Jets, NE Patriots,…
Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Jeff Bezos,
Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal
In a nutshell, this challenge has gone viral every way possible. Locally and across nearly every interest level within the US. And yes, this idea has prior roots and origins. Below are some of the best celebrity bucket challenges.