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What is Google's Mobilegeddon?

What is Google's Mobilegeddon?


by Hugh Duffy

What is Google's Mobilegeddon?

Mobilegeddon3On April 21st, Google will be launching their newest website algorithm with an emphasis on mobile-friendly websites. In other words, they are telegraphing this algorithm change which is not their norm.

Simply said, Google will support websites that have a mobile website option for mobile viewing, while concealing websites that are "non-mobile-friendly." In other words, if your website does not have a mobile website option for smart phone viewers, your website traffic will get clobbered.

Here is our guidance to accounting firm owners:

  • Now is the time to take one extra step ahead of Google's shot across the bow. Google ultimately wants you to adopt responsive web design so your website is easy to index and display for them. They have formally stated that responsive design is the new industry standard which is more than a hint that having a mobile alternative is not the end goal. Savvy accountants will be ordering a responsive web designed website immediately after tax season.
  • Early adopters will be rewarded. The engineers at Google will find a way to incent website owners using responsive web design. They won't broadcast it but they will reward early adopters with higher placement and more website traffic.

Build Your Firm's stance:

  • Mobile friendly - All of BYF's websites exceed the Google requirement of a mobile alternative on April 21st.
  • Responsive Web Design - BYF launched responsive web design in 2014 and is going much further in 2015. While you were in tax season, we overhauled our website production system so ALL new websites designed will be "responsive".
  • Free Web Redesign - If you have a BYF website and it is older than three (3) years old, we would like to provide you with a free face lift at our expense so you are even more "responsive" going forward. Simply contact us. If your website is not three (3) years old but want to be an early adopter of responsive, call us and we will provide a reasonable quote to design a responsive website for you.
  • Accountants without a mobile option - We welcome the opportunity to help you exceed Google's expectations and help you generate more leads from the internet with a search engine optimized website for accountants. We don't charge extra for search engine optimization, like everyone else, and excel at helping you put your best foot forward.

To provide you with a different context, many large companies do not yet have a mobile alternative. I would suspect that many large accounting firms have not yet dealt with this issue too. And extremely few regional accounting firms have adopted responsive web design, which is what Google is advocating. So, this algorithm change will provide an opportunity for early adopters at the expense of followers for a temporary period of time.

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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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