What Is Retargeting Advertising?
| |Retargeting advertising is a marketing tool designed to convert window-shoppers into buyers by increasing conversion rates for visitors to your website.
Across all industries, about 2% of visitors to a website will make a purchase on their first visit. Retargeting focuses on the 98% that visit a website and then leave to shop elsewhere as part of their buying process.
Retargeting works by identifying people who visit a website. The process is anonymous but very effective. Essentially, a "cookie" is placed on the website browser after someone visits a website and this "cookie" triggers your ad to start popping up and seeks to pull them back to your website.
Retargeting is a cost effective tool to brand your accounting practice and pull motivated prospects back to your website. When done properly and professionally, it can be a wonderful tool for marketing your accounting practice online.
Build Your Firm uses search engine optimization in conjunction with pay per click advertising to drive higher levels of traffic to your website. And after the initial visit, retargeting advertising is used to remind prospects of their initial visit to your website and seeks to pull them back so they can become a genuine lead.