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Why Is Your Accounting Website Hard to Locate on Google?

Why Is Your Accounting Website Hard to Locate on Google?


by Hugh Duffy

Why Is Your Accounting Website Hard to Locate on Google?

Is your website hard to locate on Google, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo?

If your website is rarely located at the top of search engines, it’s probably because you used a DIY accounting website development tool that is not search engine friendly. In other words, the customization that is required for search engine optimization is not available to you and part of the tradeoff for speed.

If your website is search engine friendly and designed at the beginning with search engines in mind, then your website will generate much higher levels of traffic and generate a steady flow of leads for your accounting practice throughout the year.

Pre-designed Accounting Website Design Template Tradeoffs

As accounting websites have become commoditized to lower the price and complete them quicker, the website developers have developed computerized DIY website development systems. The trade-off is that the end result is homogenized. Yes, the website development is quicker. In the end, you have fewer design options and search engine optimization becomes a nightmare. By using a DIY accounting website provider, here are the tradeoffs you are implicitly making:

  • Limited customization options (rigid design, boring text, image restrictions, etc.)
  • Limited functionality (few options to personalize)
  • Limited support and help when you have problems
  • Minimal to no SEO-friendly features
  • Lower website traffic and fewer leads

Search engine optimization and computerized DIY website development systems don’t mix very well. Search engine optimization takes a deliberate effort to persuade Google to recommend your accounting practice before your competitors. And if your accounting practice is towards the top of page 1, then you get higher levels of traffic and more new clients. Using a computerized DIY website development system will never be located at the top of Google, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo.

If your accounting website is designed properly, all it takes is one incremental client per year to payback the website design costs for a custom website that is search engine friendly. That’s right, one incremental small business client will cover the extra time and effort. Savvy accountants realize that it pays to have a search engine friendly website that stands out from the competition.

If you want higher levels of website traffic and more leads than your competition, then contact Build Your Firm at 888-999-9800 x1.

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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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