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Acquiring More Leads - Forensic Accounting - Business Valutions

Acquiring More Leads - Forensic Accounting - Business Valutions


by Hugh Duffy


Within a larger CPA website, having one page dedicated to Litigation Support, Business Valuation and Forensic Accounting gets lost in the shuffle. And, it's not very persuasive to prospective clients either.

Here are some examples of CPA Firms that have gone the extra mile and developed a website dedicated to litigation support, business valuation, and related forensic accounting services. As you will see, having a website dedicated to your area of concentration is far more persuasive for the prospect. And, having a niche website elevates your placement in the search engines because it's easier for the search engines to understand what you do.

Litigation Support - Business Valuations - Forensic Accounting - Jacksonville CPA Firm Lit Support

Forensic Accounting - Business Valuations - Litigation Support - South Carolina CPA Firm

Business Valuations - Forensic Accounting - Dallas CPA Firm

Divorce Accounting - Family Law Litigation - Forensic Accounting - Fort Lauderdale FL CPA Firm

Divorce Accounting - Business Valuations - Atlanta GA CPA Firm

Forensic Accounting - Litigation Support - South Florida CPA Firm

Business Valuations - Litigation Support - California CPA Firm

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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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