Effective Email Marketing for Accounting Firms

Effective Email Marketing for Accounting Firms

Email Marketing for Accountants

Email newsletters are one of the most effective email marketing tools for CPAs and accountants. Many accounting firms fail to recognize the advantages of sending regular email newsletters but they're missing out! This powerful business-to-business marketing strategy is a great way to maintain client relationships, establish trust with potential clients, and grow your practice. Read on to find out why email newsletters should be a regular part of your accounting firm's content marketing plan.

Why Send an Accounting Newsletter?

Your website may do a great job of explaining your accounting services, and that’s important. But your website doesn’t reach out to clients and potential clients to remind them about your firm. An accounting newsletter gives you the opportunity to connect with them and by offering them free, helpful accounting and tax information that lands right in their inbox.

Prospective clients receiving your email newsletter may not need a new accountant right now but when they do, they’re not going back to Google to search for one. They know exactly who to call.

Communicating regularly through an email newsletter brings many benefits with both current and potential clients:

accounting newsletter template

Current Clients

  • Builds trust. When you share an email with the latest tax news or offer tips your clients can use for running their business, it reinforces the fact that your firm is a valuable resource. Sending your clients tax reminders and special announcements shows that they can count on you to keep them informed. This solidifies you as their business advisor and increases loyalty.
  • Reminds them of your services. Your email newsletter content can also remind clients of additional services your firm offers that can help them and their business.

Potential Clients

  • Shows you’re the go-to firm. Sending potential clients regular deliveries of meaty content positions your firm as an expert in the field. Instead of fluff or a sales pitch, share useful information like free tax tips and business advice to show potential clients that you know your stuff.
  • Puts your firm top of mind. Prospective clients receiving your email newsletter may not need a new accountant right now but when they do, they’re not going back to Google to search for one. They know exactly who to call because you’ve already developed a relationship with them. Even competitors with the best Google ranking can’t compete with that.

Accounting Newsletter Templates

Your email newsletter template should clearly display your company logo and be branded with colors to match it. Make sure to use an inviting font that’s easy to read and include images to catch the attention of your audience.

People read newsletters to learn something that will help them, not to hear a sales pitch. It’s ok to mention your services but if your newsletters are too salesy, people will quickly unsubscribe.

Email newsletter templates for CPAs and accountants should also:

accountant email newsletter

Be mobile friendly

Today, almost 57 percent of the share of global internet traffic on mobile devices. That means the majority of emails are opened on mobile devices so it’s important that your email newsletter is responsive. This means it responds to fit whatever device its being viewed on and always looks good on smartphones and tablets in addition to desktop computers.

Get personal

When an email preview looks too generic, people tend to delete it from their inbox without even reading it. Instead of starting off with “Dear Client” or “Hello”, address your newsletter directly to the recipient using their first name so they'll see that the message is coming from someone they know. This also helps fortify your relationship because it shows that they're someone you recognize.

Provide quality content

When your accounting newsletter provides well-written content that engages your audience, you’ll keep them coming back for more. Here are some things to consider about how to write your marketing content when creating your newsletter:

  • Don’t try to sell them. Your newsletter is not the place for the hard sell. People read newsletters to learn something that will help them, not to hear a sales pitch. It’s ok to mention your services but if your newsletters are too salesy, people will quickly unsubscribe.
  • Appeal to readers with engaging content. Articles with tips on how to save money on taxes, how to care for small business finances, new tax legislation, and other accounting and finance related topics like these are what readers expect from an accounting newsletter. Give the people what they want and they will stay on your subscriber list.
  • Be consistent. Consistency is key but sending a newsletter out too often will annoy people and make them regret becoming a subscriber. Instead of shoving your content down your recipient’s throats, spoon them out a nice healthy dose of interesting content once a month.

Getting Started

As with many things in life, the hardest part of using accounting newsletters to promote your firm is getting started. Put your fears aside and make it happen this year! An email marketing campaign is not difficult to implement and should not take up a lot of time - if you’re using the right platform.

Build Your Firm specializes in marketing services exclusively for CPAs and accountants. We've used everything we've learned over the years to create an email newsletter tool that’s designed to meet the needs of the accounting industry. Our newsletter platform includes features like:

  • Modern newsletter template designs that can be customized to match your branding
  • Our library of pre-written content with plenty of tax and accounting articles to grab the interest of all of your contacts.
  • A set it and forget it feature that allows you to schedule your monthly email newsletters for the whole year with just a few clicks.

Every accounting website we build comes with our accounting email newsletter tool for free. If you want to get started with email marketing for your accounting firm, contact us now at 888-999-9800, ext. 1, or email info@buildyourfirm.com to learn more.

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Effective Email Marketing for Accounting Firms
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Hugh Duffy, BYF CEO and Co-Founder

Hugh is the consummate marketing coach for accountants and takes pride in the impact that it has on their practice, and lives. Hugh has more than thirty years of marketing experience. Since 2003, he has been teaching accountants on how to improve their marketing and make more money from their accounting practice.

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